22 July 2010

Continuous Deployment (a new Culture)

Eishay Smith introduced Continuous Deployment methodology last week at IBM Haifa and I think that once this methodology is adopted, it can turn your whole work (and life?) experience, that's why I'm sharing this.
Continuous Deployment (CD) takes "Release early, release often" to the limit, as long as the build is green, you can push code to production (see difference between release and production in Eishay's presentation), agility at its best. The talk presented architecture, tools and culture needed for successful CD which is not trivial, OTOH, realizing its power makes it very easy to be convinced that adapting CD will only be useful (of-course, when it make sense - not all systems can be developed using this methodology - I think).
Best analogy to CD (as presented in the presentation and here) is the answer to the question: "What's better to use to irrigate a ground? Bucket or Hose?". I'll keep finding the answer to you.

Will it work for you? Dilbert will answer that

Useful links:

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